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Trigger Warning: Mass Shootings


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This short film depicts a hypothetical (but all too realistic) school shooting at a high school graduation. The scene is juxtaposed with the countless ways adults work overtime to protect their children in their lives from the moment of conception until graduation and beyond (real home videos). Sometimes it feels like we parents are saving our kids lives 50 times a day. Every day, our energy is focused on them: their safety and their well-being. And it can all be taken away in a matter of seconds, in a mass shooting spree.

Our goal with this film is to promote more conversation. Even if one life is protected because of it, it will have been worth it. Nearly every single one of the hundreds of people that came together to make this have been permanently affected by gun violence and therefore donated their time. This video was paid for by grief and loss. The community that came together to create this video is incredible.

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